Steelworkers couldn’t be prouder of Premier John Horgan and the BC NDP team who are set to form a majority government.
Voters went to the polls on October 24 and gave Premier Horgan a clear majority mandate. A big congratulations go out to the BC NDP on a tremendous election campaign and a solid win during these unprecedented times.
Results from Saturday show the BC NDP gained 14 seats for a total of 55. The BC Liberals won 29 and the BC Green Party won three. There are still a large number of mail-in ballots that won’t be counted for a couple of weeks. Elections BC estimates Nov. 16 for the final result count.
“Congratulations to all Steelworkers who got involved in election campaigns. This election was like no other and Steelworkers had to be creative in how they supported candidates due to the pandemic,” said Stephen Hunt, USW District 3 Director. “Your hard work reaching out to members in your workplace, virtually over Zoom, on the phones, and waving signs made this historic victory possible.”
Steelworkers thank all of the MLAs who are retiring for their dedication and support during their time in office. We welcome back re-elected MLAs and are encouraged to work with newly elected MLAs from across the Province.
“I’m encouraged to hear that Premier Horgan had committed to finding solutions for the embattled forestry sector and I look forward to working the Premier on building a stronger future for all of our members,” said Hunt.
“As we move forward, it’s important that we work together with our BC NDP government to address the issues that impact Steelworkers and their families such as keeping good-paying jobs in our communities, improving health care and seniors care, making child care affordable, and investing in new transportation and infrastructure projects,” said Hunt. “We also need to ensure our government supports ‘buying Canadian’ when commencing new infrastructure projects so we use our companies, our workers, and our products rather than importing inferior products from overseas.
Steelworkers look forward to working with Premier John Horgan as we navigate through the pandemic and build a recovery that includes everyone.
Thank you to all Steelworkers for voting, volunteering and donating.
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