“When we need members to show up for workers, Steelworkers are always there,” said Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, during her address to the 2022 Constitutional Convention.
“You are strong, active members who never shy away from a tough fight,” Bruske told delegates.
This year marked the 30th anniversary of the Westray Mine explosion that killed 26 Canadian miners. The USW has fought for improved safety provisions and to ensure these miners are never forgotten.
“Your tireless efforts, including consistent lobbying and the very powerful “Stop the killing, enforce the law” campaign, has led to major workplace safety reform,” said Bruske, while recommitting to ensuring all workers go home safe at the end of each day.

She reminded delegates that Canada and the United States are in the midst of an affordability crisis and that there is an opportunity to make positive changes for workers. “This is our moment to seize,” she said. “It’s our time to use our influence and make substantial, lasting change happen.”
Bruske added that using our collective power and standing in solidarity will help us advance our priorities at the highest levels. She reminded delegates that “solidarity is the power of the house of labor” when pushing for real and meaningful change.
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