On October 18-20, 2023, District 3 will be hosting a regional school at the Union Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba (275 Broadway, Winnipeg, MB).
Local unions will be responsible for arranging hotel accommodations for students participating in the course.
District 3 has a number of scholarships available for members traveling to this training, and if you would like more information, please contact Dayna Sykes at dsykes@usw.ca.
Courses offered:
Unit Chair Training
This course is designed for all current and potential Local and Amalgamated Local executive officers and unit chairpersons, and will focus on:
- Union, local and unit structure
- Committees and responsibilities
- Duties and roles of officers
- Parliamentary procedure
- Consensus building
- Building solidarity and activism
Bullying & Harassment
Bullying & Harassment focuses on building strategies and skills useful for creating positive outcomes in the workplace and in the union. This course deals with most conflict as normal, natural and sometimes even necessary for growth and development for individuals and the union. Conflicts left unresolved can lead to not only personal difficulties but also difficulties for the union when trying to build support for a workplace or community campaign. Conflict can divide a workplace. However, conflict can also unite a workplace.
- Through this course, participants should be able to:
- Identify sources of conflict
- Identify and understand union policies in dealing with conflict
- Understand conflict management methods
- Improve their own communication skills
- Map out and implement an action plan for your local
- Understand and deal with harassment and discrimination
Financial Officers
This is a workshop for local financial officers, trustees and other members interested in the financial operations of the union. Participants will practise the skills they need as a financial officer and trustee. This includes keeping a monthly ledger, allocating funds, cheque writing and the proper notations on the cheque stub, per capita tax reporting, and the actual auditing of the books.
Trustees will gain an understanding of what a complete set of books should look like by actually doing the books themselves. They’ll look at how to budget in a way that helps their local achieve its objectives to serve the needs of the membership.
Session will include:
- Duties of the financial officers
- Financial officers guidance information
- Completing expense vouchers
- Financial secretary’s cash book
- Calculate income tax, CPP/QPP and EI
- How financial officers work with executive members and others to build the Local Union
October 17
5:00pm (Optional) – Registration and Welcome Reception (Join us for light snacks at the Capital Grill. Cash bar.)
October 18
8:30-9:00 – Registration (continued)
9:00-4:30 – Classes
Lunch will not be provided. However, students will have the convenience of being able to visit nearby restaurants in the area during their break.
October 19
9:00-4:30 – Classes
Lunch will not be provided. However, students will have the convenience of being able to visit nearby restaurants in the area during their break.
October 20
9:00-4:30 – Classes
Lunch will not be provided. However, students will have the convenience of being able to visit nearby restaurants in the area during their break.