Steelworkers Vote 2024 elections

2024 Steelworkers Vote

This past year, Steelworkers played an important role in electing Wab Kinew as the Premier of Manitoba, winning two by-elections in Saskatchewan and two by-elections in B.C., and helping elect the largest NDP opposition caucus in Alberta’s history.

Now, we have two important provincial elections taking place in British Columbia and Saskatchewan. Elections matter and Steelworker involvement can make a difference.

In support of our political action and education programs in District 3, USW is scheduling the following Steelworkers Vote training sessions. USW District 3 will reimburse local unions for participant lost time, per diems, travel, mileage, and accommodations.

B.C. Advanced SWV Member Outreach – Sept 23-27
This session is for any USW activist with past Steelworkers Vote training or who has been a volunteer or staff member in a past campaign. This week will focus small groups on member-to-member outreach in targeted identified areas in British Columbia.

Regina SWV Activist Training – Oct 7-11
Langley/Fraser Valley SWV Activist Training – Oct 15-19
* includes Sat.
Burnaby/Vancouver SWV Activist Training – Oct 15-19
* includes Sat.
Saskatoon SWV Activist Training – Oct 21-25

These sessions are for any USW member who wants to learn more about becoming politically active or to refresh their campaigning skills. This course is designed to raise awareness about the importance of politics in our everyday lives, build support in your workplace and community for Steelworker campaigns, identify ways Steelworkers can get involved and take political action to elect more progressive candidates. Sessions will be full days, including evening work and volunteering. B.C. SWV participants will be expected to participate over the weekend.

Alberta members are invited to attend SWV trainings in B.C. or Saskatchewan, and Manitoba members are invited to attend SWV training in Saskatchewan.

It is important that we have the commitment from participants from local unions. Interested members should discuss their participation with their local union president before applying.

Please note that all members will be interviewed before being officially accepted into the course to fully understand the expectations of the training.

These schools are a great opportunity to learn about politics, learn new campaign skills, build a network of engaged Steelworkers and volunteer in local campaigns.