Please find the conference program here
Do you want to know more about the latest issues in health and safety? Are you passionate about human rights? Concerned about climate change and good jobs?
You are invited to register for our upcoming Justice 2024, the USW’s National Health, Safety, Environment and Human Rights Conference. Justice 2024 will be held from Oct. 2 to 4 in Gatineau, Que., next door to Ottawa.
This national bilingual conference is an exciting opportunity for USW health and safety, environmental and human rights activists as well as local union leaders – to meet, learn from each other, pick up new information and skills and form stronger networks.
Plan now to send your delegates to join Steelworkers from across the country for three days of productive plenary sessions and workshops, networking opportunities and inspiring speakers.
The agenda includes member-expert panels on time-sensitive topics, skill-building workshops including the male-led Elevating Action against gender-based violence; mental health; bargaining and the clean economy; how to talk to politicians so they listen; and much more.
Join us to get the latest on the USW’s Stop the Killing campaign to end workplace injuries and deaths. Get inspired by our union’s work on gender and racial justice and learn what local unions need to do to comply with federal pay equity legislation. Pick up resources that you can take back to your local union too!
Justice 2024 will build on the Steelworkers’ record of leadership and achievement on workplace health and safety, environmental and climate justice and defending workers’ and human rights.
New this year, we have an additional scholarship for new activists and those from equity-seeking groups.
**Early bird Registration for Justice 2024 is open now until June 28, and regular registration until September 9. **
** Register here **
** Book a hotel room here **
Conference highlights:
- Learn from expert panels on the relationship between health & safety, precarious work, migrant work and the climate crisis.
- Get the latest updates on the Stop the Killing campaign and new initiatives to protect workers and hold negligent employers responsible.
- Hear inspirational keynote speakers on health & safety rights, major health and safety victories, jobs in a clean economy and the 50th anniversary of the Elliot Lake strike.
- Get inspired as members from our national health & safety and Anti-racism committees and Steel Pride Working Group share experiences and initiatives to make our workplaces safer and more inclusive for all.
- Bring practical skills and current information back to your local as you spend a full day and a half in workshops on various topics.
There are two possible scholarships this year funded by the USW Family and Community Education Fund (FCEF): one for activists who are 35 and under and not from equity-seeking groups (‘Option 1’) and a second for activists who are either 35 and under and members of equity-seeking groups or are 35 and under and new activists or are new activists and members of equity-seeking groups (‘Option 2’). All fees must be paid upfront and submitted to the FCEF for reimbursement after the conclusion of the conference. Please contact fcef@usw.ca to receive the appropriate reimbursement form.
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