A graphic featuring a person wearing beige suit and orange shirt on the left. There is a text on the right saying: Steelworker canvass for Jill Andrew, Toronto–St. Paul’s Wednesday, Feb. 5, 5:30 -8:30 p.m. Let’s help Jill Andrew win again!

Let’s help Jill Andrew win again!  

Steelworker canvass for Jill Andrew, Toronto–St. Paul’s 
Wednesday, Feb. 5, 5:30 -8:30 p.m.  

Meeting place: 1425 Yonge St.

Beat the chill with some cheer and a hot drink. Then, we will go canvassing to win!  

When it comes to issues like affordability, good jobs, affordable housing, investing in education and health care, Jill is on our side! 

We’ll go in teams, so no experience is necessary.

Let’s help Jill win again!

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