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Manitoba’s Legislature is facing delays in introduction of workers-friendly Legislation, as the PCs block progress

March 21, 2024

The Manitoba government’s bill which aims to improve workers’ rights by banning replacement workers and making it easier to join a union, is being held up by obstruction from the opposition Progressive Conservatives.

“This legislation represents a crucial step towards empowering workers and protecting their rights,” said Scott Lunny, United Steelworkers union (USW) Director for Western Canada. “The Tories’ tactics in blocking this bill speak volumes about whose interests they really serve.”

The proposed bill, originally scheduled to be tabled on Monday, aims to remove barriers for workers wishing to join a union and prevent the use of replacement workers (scabs) during strikes and lockouts. The delay underscores the ongoing struggle for workers’ rights in Manitoba.

“The Conservatives’ filibuster highlights a clear divide: there are those who are on the side of workers and fighting for their rights, and those who oppose them,” said Mike Pulak, USW Manitoba area coordinator. “The Tories’ tactics could delay the adoption of important legislation for working people. The NDP government’s intention to table this bill shows which side they’re on, and the ball is now in the opposition’s court to demonstrate that they have workers’ interests at heart.”

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Media Contact

Scott Lunny
USW Director for Western Canada

Mike Pulak
USW Manitoba Area Co-ordinator

Brett Barden
USW Communications

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