A global pandemic is among us. Civil unrest is among us.
Indigenous women, girls and LGBTQ2SIA+ people are suffering at disproportionately greater rates than many other groups in society.
In these unnerving times, the United Steelworkers demand action on the 231 Calls for Justice contained in ‘Reclaiming Power and Place,’ the final report from the National Inquiry, which was released on June 3, 2019. These Calls for Justice are a needed cry for action. Inexcusably, since their release last year, there has been no action taken to address these recommendations.
There is no excuse for the Federal Government’s failure to develop and implement a national action plan to stop the ‘socially acceptable’ invisible genocide against our members, our grandmothers, mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, aunts, nieces, girlfriends and friends.
An indignity to one of us is an indignity to all. We as an organization will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder to demand justice for thousands of Indigenous women and girls who still have not been found.
On October 4, 2020, the annual Sisters in Spirit Day, show the nation why Steelworkers make great neighbours by drafting letters to all levels of government demanding the next step in the National Inquiry’s Calls for Justice.
Steelworkers add our solidarity to the Indigenous voices demanding justice and action NOW.
Visit the Sisters in Spirit Day website and attend your local community activities.
In Solidarity
Marty Warren
USW District 6 Director
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