USW District 6 member facilitator training opportunity

An image of a person sitting at a table, writing in a work course booklet.

Apply today to become a District 6 member facilitator

Fill out the online application

Are you interested in becoming USW District 6 Member Facilitator? 

District 6 is looking to expand our team of member facilitators that instruct USW courses.

Our member facilitators are Steelworkers who have been trained to facilitate courses and workshops that are designed to educate and empower participants to represent members in their workplaces and effectively run their local unions.

We are looking for Steelworkers who are willing to learn, have communication skills, are open to working with diverse members and understand the importance of active listening. We especially encourage applications from women, workers of colour, Indigenous workers, NextGen (under 35), workers with disabilities and workers from the LGBTQ2SIA+ community.

Members will need to be able to take union leave (time off work) to facilitate courses. Please check the leave provisions in your collective agreement, and if you are unsure about the availability of union leave to instruct, please ask your Local Union President or USW Staff Representative for assistance. District 6 will reimburse locals for all expenses incurred while on union leave to facilitate.

Application and training information 

In order to be considered for this training opportunity, members need to complete the application online, at the bottom of this page or by clicking here. If chosen, successful applicants will take part in a 5-day Facilitator Training session in the late Summer of 2024.

The District 6 Education Fund will reimburse locals for all costs related to lost wages, travel, accommodation and other travel-related expenses.

Once members have successfully completed the facilitator training, they will be eligible to instruct various courses throughout District 6. Courses are held across the district year-round and member facilitators will have to travel to other locations to deliver USW courses. In general, courses range from 3-5 days in length.

What will you learn at facilitator training?

The 5-day Facilitator Training course aims to specifically equip members to effectively deliver USW courses, beginning with Stewards in Action 1. 

By the end of the course, participants will learn and apply: 

The 5-day Facilitator Training course aims to specifically equip members to effectively deliver USW courses, beginning with Stewards in Action 1.

By the end of the course, participants will learn and apply:

  1. Principles of popular education in a union context, including:

    a. Reasons why popular education extends beyond “book learning” to union building.

    b. Equalizing power, removing learning barriers, encouraging participation and promoting diversity in the classroom.

2. Facilitation methods and techniques, including:

a. Methods of setting and maintaining productive learning atmospheres.

b. Learning about and practicing a variety of facilitation skills for four basic activities, including flip-charting, asking good questions, and summarizing participant comments.

c. Understanding the benefits and challenges of co-facilitation.

d. Co-facilitating a portion of Stewards in Action 1 with feedback.

3. Ways to join and contribute to a community of USW educators, including:

a. Identifying ways to continue learning as a facilitator.

b. Making real and virtual connections with other union educators.

c. Understanding more about how the USW education program works.

If you are interested in becoming a USW District 6 Facilitator, please fill out an application online at the bottom of this page or by clicking here. The application deadline is July 2nd, 2024.