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Put your town on the map

October 17, 2017

Lobby your local town or city to endorse the campaign.

If your town or city has not endorsed the USW’s Stop the Killing campaign, we want to help you make that happen. Contact us if you are interested and we can help you approach your city hall with a resolution to support. It is easier than it sounds. Every town that a volunteer has approached with the campaign has endorsed. No one wants to see people killed on the job in their community.

Download our guide to lobbying your city hall.

The guide provides all of the tools you need to get this job done. You’ll have access to step-by-step instructions, a list of facts and research to help you have the conversation and a draft resolution.

Contact our campaign co-ordinators:

Here is a list of helpful contacts in your district if you have any questions. They are here to help you and give you support to make sure your town gets on the map.

Andy LaDouceur
District 6 (Ont., N.B., N.S., N.L.)

Julie Hébert 
District 5 (Que.)

USW's Stop the Killing campaign

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