Materials order form – Justice Conference 2024

Would you like to order some free items to share with members of your local union? Fill out the form below for up to four items you want. If you want to order more than four different items, start another form.

Items will ship after the Justice Conference, so you can expect to receive your items in late-October-early-November.

Join the fund

Any Steelworker local union can join the Family and Community Education Fund. By joining, a local union gets access for its members to great programs, has the right to apply for project funding, and helps build the collective strength of our union.

Local unions who belong to the Fund contribute one percent of dues already collected. In other words, there is no extra cost to local members.

To join, pass a motion at a local membership meeting authorizing the local to become a contributing member of the USW Family and Community Education Fund and authorizing the one-percent contribution of existing dues. Then fill out the Check-Off Authorization Form and mail it to the USW Canadian National Office.

For more information, please contact the Fund Co-ordinator at

Download the Authorization Form

Request this file in a different format

Motion to join the FCEF

Present a motion to join the FCEF at a membership meeting.

If the motion passes, send the Fund Co-ordinator a dues check-off form and begin applying for funds!

Application for project funding

Large project deadlines are: January 31, April 16, July 24, and October 16

Large project applications submitted outside of the above schedule may not be reviewed due to time constraints. If you feel you have a large project application that is time-sensitive and requires review outside of the year’s pre-selected deadlines, please reach out to the FCEF Co-ordinator at to discuss. Plan ahead – the FCEF Co-ordinator can help you at all stages of the application drafting process.


Organizing a project is a great way to create ties with neighbours and community groups, educate your members and their families, involve new activists and reach out to NextGen activists. The Fund Co-ordinator can help you with creating project ideas, writing your application, and designing educational components. Reach out today for support!

View a sample application

To apply for project funding

1. Make sure your project fits in one or more of the Fund’s theme areas:

  • Supporting Steelworker families
  • Promoting USW in the community
  • Supporting and engaging young activists
  • Supporting and engaging new activists

Learn more about our theme areas

2. Fill out the application form

3. Ask one of the following individuals to sign your project application form:

  • Local union president
  • Elected union official
  • Staff representative

4. Send in your form (the directions are listed at the bottom of the form)

Download the application form

Request this file in a different format

USW Indigenous post-secondary scholarship 2024 – Application form


Education & Equality Department

United Steelworkers

800 – 234 Eglinton Avenue East

Toronto, Ontario M4p 1k7

(Phone: 416-487-1571)


*****Please note: applications will not be returned. United Steelworkers reserves the right to publish the winning written statement or video in its publications or websites.*****

To apply, fill out the form below. If you prefer a paper form, download it from here.

United Steelworkers post-secondary scholarship 2024 – Application form


Education & Equality Department

United Steelworkers

800 – 234 Eglinton Avenue East

Toronto, Ontario M4p 1k7

(Phone: 416-487-1571)


*****Please note: applications will not be returned. United Steelworkers reserves the right to publish the winning written statement or video in its publications or websites.*****

To apply, fill out the form below. If you prefer a paper form, download it from here.

Member Organizer Program

Are you passionate about your union? Do you want to grow the union and work with non-union workers and help them build a union at work? Then you may be interested in joining the USW’s Member Organizer Program.

The USW is developing a team of member organizers to help build the union throughout Canada. You’ll have the opportunity to participate in training and work with staff organizers to develop organizing leads and work on campaigns in your home area, across your District or across the country.

After training, you may be asked to volunteer your time in support of organizing campaigns, and in some cases may be asked to work on campaigns full time or on a short term basis. Member organizer assignments are dependent on campaign needs, skillsets, location and availability. Like all union work, organizing may take place in the evenings and on weekends.

If you are interested in becoming a member organizer, please fill out the online application below. We encourage applications from members of equity-seeking groups, including women, racialized workers, Indigenous workers, members with disabilities, members 35 and under and 2SLGBTQIA+ members.

For more info, contact or 416-544-5976.

Here are some of the things you’ll learn and do as a member organizer

  • Follow up with employees who have expressed interest in joining the Steelworkers union
  • Start conversations with non-union workers to establish relationships or get information
  • Develop skills on how to communicate effectively one-on-one and in small group meetings with workers
  • Educate workers on the benefits of unionization
  • Identify, recruit and develop workplace leaders
  • Research, map and chart targeted workplaces
  • Work with experienced staff organizers on campaigns

Qualifications needed to become a member organizer

  • A deep commitment to the labour movement and social justice
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to develop relationships with a diversity of people
  • Good listener and communicator           
  • Resourceful with good problem-solving skills
  • Good time management skills and ability to keep information such as lists and notes well organized
  • Ability to work independently or with a team
  • Willing to work occasional evenings and weekends
  • Current USW member in good standing
  • Support of your local union leadership and ability to get union leave from work

Interested in becoming a member organizer, please fill out the following online application. If you prefer a paper form, find and download the PDF form below the online application.

Raising the Bar on Women’s Health and Safety: order form

Are you putting on an educational event about USW’s Raising the Bar campaign? We want to ship you free stuff! Please download, complete and return the order form below, so we know how many of each item you want.

If your local union wants to order more of any of these materials, please email with the quantity and mailing address. Please note that there will be a cost for caps, cloth bags, and T-shirts ordered for general distribution.

Family Care Reimbursement Form

Get reimbursed for family care costs like babysitting incurred while you are attending authorized union events.

Members can claim caregiving fees for the following dependents who reside with them:

a) A child aged 12 or under for daytime and/or overnight care;

b) A child aged 15 or under for overnight care, where the authorized union event requires your absence overnight;

c) A child or adult with a disability for daytime and/or overnight care;

d) An adult who is dependent and requires care during the daytime and/or overnight.

Family care costs that would normally occur had you been at your workplace, or care provided by your spouse, partner or your child’s other parent will not be reimbursed.

Actual family care costs incurred (for the duration of the union event/meeting, plus travel time) will be reimbursed as follows:

  • If care is provided by a professional/licensed caregiver who is not a family member, or an unlicensed caregiver who is not related to the person receiving care (e.g. babysitter), we will reimburse at their standard rate up to $19.50 an hour for a maximum of 12 hours per day provided receipts are submitted confirming the expense. If overnight care is required, the maximum reimbursable amount is $270 per 24-hour period (total).
  • If care is provided by a family member who resides at a different address from your dependant(s), we will provide a pro-rated honorarium, provided a signed invoice (see sample) is supplied. Note: the honorarium provided is not per child, it is a lump sum total for all people receiving care within a household:
    • 3 hours or less of care per day: $30 (total)
    • More than 3 hours-6 hours of care per day: $50 (total)
    • More than 6 hours-24 hours of care per day: $75 (total)

If the family member providing care lives out of town, mileage to and from the union member’s home may be covered. For more information, contact the Fund Co-ordinator.

If you have attended multiple union activities resulting in family care costs, please complete one Expense Claim Form per activity.

Note: if your collective agreement requires shift work that is other than 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday, you must provide documentation in order to claim reimbursement for weekday, daytime family care reimbursement claims.

Frequently asked questions

What is an “authorized” union event?

An authorized union event is an initiative put on by your local union or the United Steelworkers more broadly. Such events are signed-off on by your local union president or recording secretary.

Examples include: your local’s monthly membership meeting, a USW local, district, national or international conference you have been approved to attend, serving on your local’s bargaining committee or attending other committee meetings such as the Women of Steel Committee, etc.

Will you cover family care costs incurred for an authorized union event that takes place during my normal hours of work?

No, the Family & Community Education Fund will not cover family care costs that occur during your normal working hours, even if you are at an authorized union event and not at work. This is because you would have paid for family care regardless, so this is not an additional expense you have incurred.

Will I be directly reimbursed for my family care costs or does the Family & Community Education Fund send the money to my local union to pass on to me?

Members who submit eligible expenses to the Fund Coordinator will be directly reimbursed for their family care costs.

Can I be reimbursed if a family member provides care?

The Fund will only cover costs for care provided by an individual who does not already have caregiving responsibilities for the family member(s) receiving care. Generally speaking, the Fund will not cover costs for care provided by a spouse/partner, former spouse/partner with custody rights or a relative residing in the household. Contact the Fund Coordinator for more information.

I normally pay my caregiver less/more per hour than the FCEF-identified reimbursement rate. What should I do?

Pay your caregiver their typical rate, but note that the Fund will not reimburse more than $19.50/hour for family care where it is supplied by a professional/licensed caregiver who is not related to the claimant. Should your family member have special needs and require care costing more than $19.50/hour, please get in touch with the Fund Co-ordinator to discuss this.

Caregivers who are related to you or to the person receiving the care and who live at a different address from you are eligible for a pro-rated honorarium of up to $75/day.

My local union already covers family care expenses as part of our expense policy. Should I still apply to the FCEF’s reimbursement program?

No, apply to your local union first.

How do I know if my local union contributes to the fund and if I’m eligible to get this expense coverage?

Ask your local union executives or reach out to the Fund Co-ordinator to learn if your local union contributes. Joining the fund is easy! Click here to learn more.

USW District 6 Casual Organizer Application

USW District 6 (Ontario and Atlantic provinces) is seeking casual organizers to be involved in current and future organizing campaigns. This is an exciting opportunity to help other workers exercise their collective rights and grow our union. PDF Form.

USW District 6 Human Rights Committee Pride T-shirt order form

Show your Steel Pride with a new District 6 Steel Pride t-shirt! Shirts will be mailed to the address requested at the bottom of the form. Available in sizes small to 3XL (unisex). Forms can be sent to: