
D3 Unite – June 2024

June 25, 2024
  • Research & Publications

Download the D3 Unite June 2024 edition here.

In this edition:

  • Celebrate solidarity with Pride
  • Manitoba’s NDP introduces card check and anti-scab legislation
  • Upcoming events
  • Kamloops Bay workers ratify new contract following 165-day strike
  • Forestry Workers’ Summit unites workers in effort to strengthen sector
  • Canfor’s decision to not invest in Houston: a political move or economics?
  • Bill 25 and “Rising Tide” Haida Title Lands Agreement a major step forward
  • Steelworkers mourn the death of Nutrien potash mine worker in Rocanville, Sask.
  • Steelworkers mourn thetragic loss of CN Rail worker
  • When workplace tragedy occurs, the USW is here to help
  • Sharing our pronouns: Solidarity in action
  • Proud to support pride in our communities
  • Saskatchewan local leadership meeting
  • Steelworkers Vote 2024 Elections
  • B.C. Legislative Action Conference
  • May Day is OUR day!
  • Labourhood BBQ supports United Way’s Period Promise Campaign
  • USW member to run in B.C. election
  • Banking bonus for B.C. USW members
  • Steelworkers Stand Up for Steel in Ottawa
  • Get your USW District 3 merchandise!
  • & more!

Download the D3 Unite June 2024 edition here.


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