
Make your own story

June 13, 2024
  • Booklets & Manuals

Duration: 15-30 minutes

Number of people who can take part: At least 2 participants and, if needed, 1 adult reader; up to 6 participants maximum

Learning objective: learn basic labour and union vocabulary and about related concepts, including some of the benefits of organizing a workplace

Materials needed: story text printed in colour; 6 ‘bird beaks’ printed in colour and folded


Before your event:

Fold your ‘bird beaks.’ To learn how, watch this explanatory video.

At your event:

There are a few ways you can run this activity at your event:

  • Version 1: Read out the ‘bird beak’ prompts and move the ‘bird beak’ yourself, asking participants to choose each step’s words and numbers. Define the words on the ‘bird beaks’ for your audience.
  • Version 2: Have participants read out the ‘bird beak’ prompts and move the ‘bird beaks’ themselves, asking them to choose each step’s words and numbers. Have participants try to define the words on the ‘bird beaks’ for the group.

Facilitator Tips:

Before starting this activity, consider asking participants a few questions like:

• What do you know about the world of unions?

• What can you do if things aren’t going well at work?

The purpose of these questions is to provoke listeners’ thoughts, not to have them give the ‘right’ answers.


1. From the story sheet, read the text in red.

2. Holding the folded red bird’s beak in your hand, ask participants to choose one of the words written on one of the red boxes.

3. Explain the meaning of this word, then spell the word using the motion shown at 1:27 in the ‘bird beaks’ explanatory Youtube video.

4. Ask participants to choose a number. Below the number, the next step in the story is revealed, as well as the color of the text you should read from the story sheet (blue or yellow) and the colour of the next ‘bird beak’ you should manipulate (blue or yellow).

5. Read the corresponding blue or yellow text from the story sheet. 1.2 Make Your Own Story 1

6. Pick up the folded bird’s beak of the corresponding color. Ask participants to choose a word.

7. Explain the meaning of this word, then spell the word using the motion shown at 1:27 in the ‘bird beaks’ explanatory Youtube video.

8. Ask participants to choose a number. Below the number, the next step in the story is revealed, as well as the color of the text you should read from the story sheet (green, orange, or purple) and the colour of the next ‘bird beak’ you should manipulate (green, orange, or purple).

9. Read the corresponding green, orange, or purple text from the story sheet.

10. Pick up the folded bird’s beak of the corresponding color. Ask participants to choose a word.

11. Explain the meaning of this word, then spell the word using the motion shown at 1:27 in the ‘bird beaks’ explanatory Youtube video.

12. Ask participants to choose a number. Below the number, the end of the story is revealed.

13. Lead participants through a brief discussion on the story you read out, for example how things are sometimes not resolved the way we would like but we should keep trying and helping one another.

Find the story sheet in the attached PDF.


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