
Raising the Bar Presentation Package

August 21, 2020
  • Misc. Resources

Help spread the word about Raising the Bar on Women’s Health and Safety! Volunteer to give a presentation to your local executive, a general membership meeting or a meeting of your local’s health and safety or women’s committee.

Look at the “how to” instruction sheet for tips on making an in-person presentation. If you need to give the presentation using Zoom or another virtual platform, contact your District Education Co-ordinator for advice and assistance.

You can use the suggested speaking notes, PowerPoint slides and video below to give a short presentation. Print copies of the handout to share with the members who attend. These files and materials are applicable to locals in all jurisdictions. (If you can’t download the files, please email us at and we’ll mail you a USB stick.)

It’s Steelworkers like you who put campaigns into action and make the work world safer and more just. Thank you!