
Anti-Harassment Policy of the United Steelworkers (The Yellow Sheet)

January 1, 2022
  • Policy

The Union wishes to provide a harassment and violence-free environment in all Union workplaces and at all Union activities. We have democratically passed tough, meaningful policies on harassment and violence at our Conferences and Conventions, and negotiated such policies to protect our members. They are not just words. We take them seriously, because mutual respect must be the basis of interaction among trade unionists.

Harassment is not a joke. It creates feelings of uneasiness, humiliation and discomfort. It is an expression of perceived power and superiority by the harasser over another person. In addition, all Union members are entitled to be physically safe on Union premises and at Union activities. There are two principles fundamental to the trade union movement: human rights and solidarity. Harassment and violence strike at the heart of both.

“Harassment” is a form of discrimination. It means improper comment or conduct that a person knows or ought reasonably to know would be unwelcome, offensive, embarrassing, or hurtful. Harassment may result from one incident, or a series of incidents.

Harassment can be based on a prohibited ground of discrimination, as set out in provincial human rights legislation, such as race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, record of offences, marital status, family status, disability, language, etc. However, harassment does not have to involve a prohibited ground. Improper conduct or comment which has no work or event-related purpose can also constitute harassment. Harassment includes sexual, racial, and personal or psychological harassment such as bullying.

“Violence” is a threat to exercise, an attempt to exercise, or the exercise of physical force by a person against a Union member on Union premises or at a Union event. The Union has a comprehensive policy for receiving, investigating and addressing complaints of harassment and violence. Under that policy, the Union has appointed antiharassment/anti-violence counsellors at each event. They can provide you with a copy of the complete Policy Against Harassment and Violence.

If you experience or witness harassment or violence during any Union event, you should contact an anti-harassment/anti-violence counsellor who will ensure your complaint is investigated in accordance with the Policy. They will keep any complaints confidential, except to the extent necessary to prevent harm to anyone, to ensure the requirements of a fair investigation, to take appropriate corrective action, or as otherwise required by law.

At this event, the anti-harassment/anti-violence counsellors are:


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