
USW bingo

June 23, 2020
  • Booklets & Manuals
  • Misc. Resources

USW bingo instructions for local unions

Duration: 15 minutes

Number of people who can take part: At least 10; no maximum

Materials needed: Pens and Bingo sheets for all; a microphone and sound system if it’s a large group; prizes

Before your event:

  1. Think about who will be coming to your event and how much they know about our union.
  2. Choose a Bingo sheet from these options:
    1. Prepared Bingo sheet #1 and answer key, with these materials, for use with spouses and families, with members who are new to our union or who haven’t been very active, or with general community members
    2. Prepared Bingo sheet #2 and answer key, with these materials, for use with activists
    3. Come up with your own descriptions, questions and answers), and make your Bingo sheet using the blank form included with these materials
    4. Print enough Bingo sheets for the people you expect will come.
    5. Arrange for a number of prizes of USW swag or other items.

At your event:

  1. Hand out sheets and pens to everyone.
  2. Read out the instructions.
  3. Yell “Start!”
  4. Call time after five minutes (or whatever length of time you think is best).
  5. Read out each question or description, one at a time, and ask people to call out the answers or the name of the person who matched their description. Congratulate them for correct answers, or correct them if the wrong answer is given.
  6. Ask everyone to count up how many correct answers they got AND how many squares they were able to get filled out by talking to other.
  7. Award prizes to those who had the highest number in each category, to reward social networking as well as knowledge!

Download the PDF with instructions and bingo sheets


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