In this issue:
- Message from USW National Director Marty Warren: Tom Conway had members’ best interests at heart
- Farewell Tom Conway
- Let’s take action to enforce pay equity!
- Saving the planet AND creating good union jobs
- Bargaining successes
- Federal anti-scab legislation introduced, Steelworkers pushing for stronger law
- USW shows up for trans and gender-diverse youth
- Steelworkers help deliver big change on the prairies
- Leo Gerard appointed Companion of the Order of Canada
- USW education: a key source of our union’s strength
- USW Cares
- National Anti-Racism Committee joins Humanity Fund delegation to South Africa
- Inaugural health and safety forum re-energizes Quebec activists
- The transition from summer to fall has been an exciting time – update from USW District 3 Director Scott Lunny
- Collective agreement decrees: raising standards for all – update from USW District 5 Director Dominic Lemieux
- USW solidarity is stronger than ever – update from USW District 6 Director Myles Sullivan
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