Spread the word
- Include information on your local Ontario NDP candidate and USW election issues in your newsletters and emails, and on your website, Facebook and social media. #USWOntario2025
- Invite a USW Member Mobilizer to make a presentation on the election at your next local or area council meeting: vote@usw.ca
Connect with your local Ontario NDP
- Invite your local Ontario NDP candidates to any USW in-person or virtual meetings, or to greet members outside your workplace.
- While unions can’t donate directly to political parties in Ontario, we encourage our members to volunteer and make individual donations.
Support for your USW phone bank
- Set up a phone bank for members to call other members about the election.
- Request USW phone lists for ridings in your area.
- Talk about how your local Ontario NDP candidate is on the side of workers.
- Encourage early voting.
- Contact the USW for more information and support with scripts and election phoning rules: vote@usw.ca
Volunteer for local campaigns
- Recruit USW volunteers for local Ontario NDP campaigns. Campaigns need help phoning, canvassing, putting up signs and more.
Steelworkers Vote actions and events
- Send members to a Steelworkers Vote event or action: usw.ca/Ontario2025.
Encourage members to vote early
- Vote early with fellow Steelworkers!
Steelworkers make a difference when we vote!
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