
Zoey at work

June 13, 2024
  • Booklets & Manuals
illustration of a racialized young person with curly brown hair and wearing ab blue jumpsuit, a blue hat and a pink backpack. Behind the person there is a pink building, black truck and couple of trees. There is text on the top of the graphic that says: Zoey at work.

Duration: 30 minutes

Number of people who can take part: At least 2 participants and 1 adult reader; no maximum

Learning objective: children learn through a children’s book about health and safety requirements and other expectations related to starting their first job while reflecting on similar themes in the book’s text and in their daily lives

Materials needed: copy of Zoey at Work book


Before your event:

1. Print (or have the National Office do so on request) a copy of Zoey at Work. If you’d prefer, you can use a projector, screen, or tablet to read to participants while showing them the book’s images.

2. Read Zoey at Work to familiarize yourself with its Action and Question prompts.

At your event:

There are a few ways you can run this activity at your event:

  • Version 1: Read Zoey at Work to your audience. At the end of each page, read the Action prompt for your audience to complete. After your audience does the action, read them the page’s Question prompt and have a brief discussion about their responses.
  • Version 2: Give your audience the coloring book version of Zoey at Work. Your audience can colour as you read them the book and guide them through the prompts. If you’d like, you can ask confident readers to read some of the prompts to the group.

Facilitator Tips:

Before starting this activity, consider asking participants a few questions like:

• What do you know about the world of work?

• Why do you think it’s important to work?

• What do you want to do for a job when you grow up?

The purpose of these questions is to provoke listeners’ thoughts, not to have them give the ‘right’ answers.

You can also ask your audience reflective questions before beginning Zoey at Work. These questions will likely be answered by the activity and could include:

• Do you have to work when you grow up?

• Is it possible to like work?

• Why do people wear a uniform at work?

Find the book in the attached PDF.


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