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Statement: United Steelworkers on the end of the Confidence and Supply Agreement

September 5, 2024

Marty Warren, United Steelworkers union National Director for Canada, issued the following statement following the NDP decision to end the Confidence and Supply Agreement with the Liberal government:

“Today, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh explained the reasons behind his decision to end the Confidence and Supply Agreement with the Liberal government. This agreement brought real benefits to Canadian workers, and the United Steelworkers supported those policies every step of the way. Together, we secured important victories, such as dental care, anti-scab legislation, a Sustainable Jobs Act that promotes decent, clean jobs, and include workers in the fight for a sustainable future, and crucial steps toward a national Pharmacare program.

But as we move forward, we must remain vigilant. Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives pose a serious threat to the progress we’ve made. His plans for deep cuts will dismantle the essential services on which Canadians depend, leaving workers vulnerable while the wealthiest corporations prosper. We’ve seen this playbook before, and it has always come at the expense of working people.

The NDP has been an important partner to unions, championing the right of workers to have representation on the job and understanding that a union is the path to a meaningful voice in the workplace, a better future for working families and stronger communities. The United Steelworkers will continue to support the NDP and progressive parliamentarians who put the needs of working people and families across Canada first.

We are determined to hold this and future governments to account, and to protect the historic, hard-won gains of the past two years. We stand united against the risks posed by the Conservative politicians’ agenda to Canadian working families, to our social safety net and to the progress we have fought for.

The Steelworkers will stand up for the future of Canadian workers. Together, we will resist the dangerous path of conservative cuts, and fight for a country where every worker has the support and opportunities they deserve.”

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François Soucy
Government Liaison, USW Communications

Shannon Devine
USW Communications
416-894-7118 (cell) 

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