On February 19, 2015, the world of Ian Lavoie, finisher at ArcelorMittal in Longueuil, rocked. He suffered a serious work accident that almost cost him his life and caused him to lose a leg. He tells us his story.
Hear from the families directly how important it is for Canadians to hold employers responsible for workplace deaths and injuries. Please share these mini-documentaries widely.
The Westray Mine Song
Ronnie McEwan’s tribute song to the 26 miners who perished May 9th, 1992 in the Westray Mine disaster.
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As this year draws to a close, I am drawing inspiration from the many members I have spoken to over this past year about their efforts in the union – bargaining committee members working to negotiate top notch agreements and resolve workplace issues, health and safety activists pushing for safer working conditions on the job […]
United Steelworkers mourn the loss of former MLA Dan Coulter
December 13, 2024| Statements
Statement from Scott Lunny, Western Canada Director, United Steelworkers union (USW), on the passing of former B.C. MLA Dan Coulter: It is with great sadness that the United Steelworkers mourns the death of former Member of the Legislative Assembly, Minister of State for Infrastructure and Transit, and Parliamentary Secretary for Accessibility in British Columbia. Dan […]