Director’s message

On behalf of the 44,000 members of USW District 3, I’m delighted to extend an invitation to join us for our 2024 USW District 3 Conference in Winnipeg from Oct. 28 to Oct. 31.

Join us in Winnipeg as we gather to share insights and set the path forward for our district, build connections and strengthen the bonds that define our union. The 2024 USW District 3 Conference will provide delegates with a platform for meaningful discussions, strategic planning and the exchange of valuable ideas and experiences.

As delegates, your attendance is critical to shaping the future of our district. Winnipeg, with its rich labour history, vibrant community and a new progressive NDP government, serves as an ideal city for our conference.

Prepare for engaging discussions, empowering workshops and the opportunity to reconnect with fellow members who share our common purpose – better work for everybody.

We are also welcoming resolutions from local unions on important topics like bargaining strategies, organizing, union education, health, safety and environment, political and legislative action, and diversity, equity and inclusion in our district.

Together, let us celebrate our shared commitment to the values that make us proud to be Steelworkers. We look forward to welcoming you to the District 3 Conference in Winnipeg.

Scott Lunny signature

Scott Lunny
USW District 3 Director
Western Canada and the Territories

Registration is online only.

Please read the following information below before registering.

Conference highlights

The USW District 3 Conference agenda is packed with inspiring and educational highlights to empower and unite members. The conference will set the tone for building better work for everybody. Through workshops and panels, delegates will learn more about workplace safety, bargaining, human rights, and political and legislative action, while gaining practical knowledge and resources.

Plenary sessions will spotlight achievements and challenges since the last conference, celebrate victories and strategize for the future. Delegates will gain valuable insights from speakers and panels. Networking opportunities will strengthen connections and build solidarity across diverse sectors and regions throughout Western Canada and the Territories.

Click here for the full conference call package (PDF)

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Important key dates & deadlines

Early bird registration deadline: Fri., July 12, 2024

Outstanding service awards deadline: Fri., Aug 16, 2024

Resolution submission deadline: Fri., Sept. 13, 2024

Exhibitor booth/table booking deadline: Fri., Sept. 13, 2024

Room block cut-off: Fri., Sept. 27, 2024

Registration deadline: Fri., Sept. 27, 2024

Registration payment deadline: Fri., Oct. 11, 2024

Special events

Register now!


Tues., Oct. 29, 2024

This workshop will focus on how to get more women active in the local and on the WOS committee. We will also discuss strategies on how to better represent the needs of women in your local union.

This workshop will focus on young workers and how to engage with young members and support Next Generation committees.

Local union meetings are not the only measure of member engagement. This workshop will focus on how to engage members outside of the local union meeting and how to encourage membership activism.

Have you ever wondered why our union engages in politics? Have you heard people suggest you should get more involved in politics? Have you ever wondered if politics are really as important as people say? This workshop is designed to raise awareness about the importance of politics in our everyday lives and how to build support in your workplace and community for Steelworker campaigns.

Learn about new digital tools and tactics to help enhance your capacity to mobilize members to promote and defend workers’ rights. Learn about the tools offered to local unions from the USW and how to elevate your communications and campaign skills.

This workshop is part of the “Elevating Action” program, which is a partnership between the Canadian Football Players Association, White Ribbon and the United Steelworkers. The workshop will focus on the role that everyone can play in ending gender-based violence and actions we can take to create safer workplaces and communities. This will include increasing participants understanding of gender-based violence, strategies around bystander interventions and allyship.

This workshop gives participants the tools they need to run a formal union or business meeting using Rules of Order. It includes basics like moving, amending and passing a motion, and also covers critical documents necessary to make the meeting lawful and orderly, including notice of the meeting and of motions, the agenda, reports and minutes. The workshop considers in person and zoom meetings. Participants will learn to apply the rules in an anti-oppressive and accessible way.

This workshop will look at successful examples as well as challenges that locals have with building relationships with Indigenous communities and will share strategies on how to not only build relationships, but to do so in a respectful and meaningful way.

Wed., Oct. 30, 2024

In the duty to accommodate, the employer is obligated by law to do so. This workshop talks about the roles and responsibilities the union must play in the process.

Sometimes the language in our collective agreements can have unintended impacts. This workshop will discuss what we can do to ensure that our collective agreements are inclusive of all members in a bargaining unit and look at examples of how we can bargain equity for all members.

This workshop focuses on identifying the unions legal obligation to represent members in grievance-handling in a way that is not arbitrary, discriminatory or in bad faith.
This workshop will discuss the creation and development of strategies to communicate to and engage members during bargaining and beyond, including mapping out workplaces, obstacles and solutions.

Strategic campaigns can be ramped up before a strike or lockout occurs but are most often utilized after the union or the employer has taken action. This workshop will explain developing strategic campaigns that identify an employer’s strengths and weaknesses while assessing our own bargaining power and our ability to confront an employer.

This workshop will cover how to effectively use mass texting to communicate with members.

This workshop will look at ways we can be more inclusive of our Indigenous members and will share examples of collective agreement provisions that can help local unions when reviewing their agreements.

This course will review what is emerging in human rights law and discuss the union responsibilities in representing members’ human rights.

Thurs., Oct. 31, 2024

Participants will be provided with an understanding of the fundamentals and regulations that all workers have the right to refuse unsafe work, the process to follow and what role the union can play in supporting members’ right to refuse.
When investigating a workplace incident, there are many factors that need to be evaluated. This workshop will focus on providing resources and defining steps on what to do when there is a workplace accident/incident.

This workshop will discuss the importance of labour representation in union/ management committees to address workplace issues. This will include setting an agenda, representation and follow-up.

By creating networks through supply chains and around the world, workers can increase their power to negotiate with multinational employers. This workshop will discuss the building of these networks, with a focus on the experience of the new union network at Newmont, a mining company, featuring speakers from Canada, Mexico and the Steelworkers Humanity Fund.

Women face different health and safety risks, because of biology and social attitudes. But most workplaces, machines, personal protective equipment and safety programs have been designed to suit male workers. That means that women have often been left out. This workshop will explore different challenges and solutions.

This workshop discusses defining and identifying psychosocial workplace hazards, risk assessments and referral resources.

We all benefit from fairer workplaces – so let’s talk and learn about using pronouns, sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) and why it matters for a strong union. We’ll also discuss how to support 2SLGBTQIA+ members through activism, representation and allyship in our workplaces, local unions and communities.

What is harassment? How we can challenge discrimination? Harassment and discrimination are issues for everyone in the workplace. This workshop will show you how we can work together to prevent and deal with incidents of harassment, and ensure that we can sustain healthy, respectful workplaces.

Register now!

Accommodations and travel

The 2024 USW District 3 conference plenaries will be held at the Fairmont Winnipeg, 2 Lombard Place, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Delegates and/or their local unions are responsible for making their own hotel bookings through WE Union Travel.

Upon registering for the conference, please utilize the WE Union Travel hotel registration site at to reserve directly into the room block at the Fairmont Winnipeg and receive the negotiated rate.

Rooms are blocked at the Fairmont Winnipeg at the conference rate from Sun., Oct. 27 to Fri., Nov. 1. Check-in is at 3 p.m. and check-out is at 12:00 p.m.


Rooms are available at the rate of $209 per night + tax for Fairmont Standard Guestrooms. The room block cut-off is Fri., Sept. 27, 2024. After this date, availability and the room rate are not guaranteed.

Reservations require a credit card. All rates are based on single/double occupancy. Each extra person sharing a room will be charged an additional $30 per night. There will be no charge for children up to and including the age of 18 years who share with their parents. Maximum occupancy is four (4) per room.

Air travel:

Delegates and/or their local unions are responsible for making their own air travel arrangements.

Take advantage of the group discount for Air Canada by contacting Carolyn Corda at WE Union Travel,, Tel.: 604-969-5585 or 1-800-663-4703. WE Union Travel will book air travel for this conference for a flat fee of $57.75, in addition to the cost of the airline ticket.


Fairmont Winnipeg does not have any parking facilities; however, Richardson Parking Garage is located next to the hotel and is connected underground with the hotel. Parking rates charged by the parking facility. Alternative parking with in and out access may be arranged through the hotel for $23. Valet parking is available at a cost of $30.

Book your hotel here


Click here to register

A few items to note:

  • Registration is online only.
  • A unique email address is required for each registrant. You cannot register multiple people with the same email address.
  • Space is limited. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Childcare will be available. Complete the childcare section during online registration.


Early bird conference delegate fees: $400
Must register by Fri., July 12, 2024

Conference delegate fees: $450
Registration deadline is Fri., Sept. 27, 2024

A copy of the delegate’s registration form and invoice will be sent to the local union’s financial secretary or secretary-treasurer using the email address provided during the registration process.

Wood Council:

The Wood Council Conference registration is an additional $100. This fee will be added during the registration process. Please note there is a separate registration form for Wood Council delegates who are not attending the District 3 Conference.

All delegate fees must be received in the District 3 office no later than Fri., Oct. 11, 2024.

Cheques are to be made payable to USW District 3 and mailed to:
USW District 3
300-3920 Norland Ave
Burnaby, B.C., V5G 4K7

Fee waiver and expense reimbursement

Young activists (must be 35 or under on conference end date) and/or new activists and/or delegates from equity seeking groups may be eligible for a fee waiver and expense reimbursement from the Family and Community Education Fund (FCEF).

Local Unions will be reimbursed up to a maximum amount of $500 or $1,000 per eligible delegate by the FCEF for the actual amount of receipts and full conference attendance. Bursaries cannot be combined.

For full eligibility requirements, please contact Mike Duhra, Note: All fees must be paid upfront and submitted to the FCEF for reimbursement after the conclusion of the conference.

Click here to register

Childcare accommodations

At the upcoming USW District 3 Conference, we are committed to hosting an inclusive conference for all delegates to fully participate, including those with children. To accommodate the needs of parents attending the conference, we are pleased to offer free, on-site childcare services. We understand the importance of providing a supportive environment that enables all members to fully engage in the conference experience.

When registering as a conference delegate, let us know your childcare needs to ensure your participation in the event.

If your children are staying at home but still require childcare, we encourage you to explore if your local union has a family care/childcare benefit program or if you can make use of the Family and Community Education Fund (FCEF)’s family care reimbursement program. To learn more about this reimbursement program, please contact Gabriele Simmons, Family & Community Education Fund Co-ordinator, at

Register Now!


As a union dedicated to inclusion and ensuring the full participation of all delegates, USW will make every effort to accommodate accessibility needs throughout the scheduled conference activities. We are committed to assisting delegates with any accessibility requirements related to conference proceedings and facilities. 

To ensure that we can address specific needs, we ask delegates to complete the accessibility fields during the online registration process.

Please submit your request no later than Fri, Sept. 13, 2024. After this date, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate requests. Your cooperation in providing this information in advance will enable us to make necessary arrangements and enhance the accessibility of the conference for all participants.

Register now!

Outstanding service awards

Every local union has individuals within its membership who make significant contributions to our union and labour movement without fanfare or comment. These members lead by example in many areas: leadership, organizing, volunteerism, political action, service to our membership, and/or community service, among others.

These members go largely unnoticed and, too often, do not get thanks or any formal recognition for the important role they play in the growth and health of our union, and the labour movement as a whole.

USW District 3 acknowledges these members with our Outstanding Service Awards. We are seeking nominations of activists within your local union who have shown that special dedication and commitment and who deserves to be honoured by our union.

Submit a nomination by Fri., Aug. 16, 2024.

Nominate a member


All resolutions must be submitted online.

The USW District 3 Conference is your opportunity to present, discuss and debate priorities for District 3. We are accepting resolutions on the following topics: collective bargaining, organizing, health, safety and the environment, union education, political and legislative action, and diversity, equity and inclusion in our union.

Resolutions are to be submitted online only no later than Fri., Sept. 13, 2024. Note that late resolutions are considered at the discretion of the Resolutions Committee, and may not appear in the resolutions book.

A resolution should deal with one topic only and be limited to 150 words. For help on submitting your resolution(s), review the sample resolution below.

Note: Each resolution must be adopted by your local union membership.

For more information, contact: Mike Duhra,

Sample resolution

Anti-scab legislation

WHEREAS Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba still allow companies to use replacement workers, also known as scabs, during strikes or lockouts; and

WHEREAS the right to strike is fundamental to Canadians’ Constitutional right to collective bargaining; and

WHEREAS strikes are only effective when they prevent the employer from carrying out its normal responsibilities or business.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT USW District 3 will lobby these provincial governments to immediately pass legislation to prevent companies from using replacement workers when unions take legal strike action or when employers lock workers out; and 

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT these anti-scab laws contain strong financial penalties for companies, organizations and individual managers who bring in scabs to replace striking or locked-out workers.

Submit your resolution


USW District 3 extends an invitation to our friends and colleagues to join us in sponsoring various events and activities at our 2024 conference. This presents a wonderful opportunity to showcase your local union or organization’s contributions to the USW by sponsoring a refreshment break, event or activity.

Sponsors will receive acknowledgment for their generous support in conference materials, as well as recognition during the conference itself, across social media platforms and on our conference website. 

Your participation will play an active role in ensuring that our district’s most significant conference becomes a celebration of the growth and strength of USW District 3 across Western Canada and the Territories.

We encourage you to contribute to the success of our conference and showcase your commitment to the values and mission of our union.

Sponsorship cheques and booth/table fees are to be made payable to USW District 3 and mailed to:
USW District 3
#300-3920 Norland Ave
Burnaby, B.C., V5G 4K7

Click here for our sponsorship & exhibitor package (PDF)

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Exhibitor Tables

USW District 3 is inviting requests for exhibitor tables at our 2024 conference. We invite you to highlight your local union or organization’s products, services or committees during the event.

Each exhibitor will receive one (1) rectangular table and two (2) chairs. However, exhibitors are responsible for providing all other materials.

To secure your exhibitor booth, please submit your request to Rosanne Grazier,, by Fri., Sept. 13, 2024. 

This is an excellent opportunity to engage with conference attendees. We look forward to your participation!

Contact Rosanne to sponsor or reserve your table


If you need to update or cancel your registration, or to make changes to your workshops, please email the changes to

Do you have further questions? Email Mike Duhra at for more information.