Form 142C Local Union Supplies Requisition

Local union supplies requisition. Completed order form can be mailed, faxed, or e-mailed to the location marked on the form.

Form 7894C Salary and Lost Time Expense

Steelworker Summer 2021

Deadline: Application must be received by June 20, 2021

What is Steelworker Summer?

Steelworker Summer is an educational and training internship in which participants develop skills useful for union growth by experiencing firsthand the kinds of struggles workers face while trying to win a voice at work and in the community. It is also designed to give participants an understanding and appreciation of the positive impact unions have had on the lives of working men and women. Steelworker Summer is a program for young adults who want experience working for social justice firsthand.

Ideally, interns will remain active after Steelworker Summer by educating others about the value of the labour movement, possibly forming student/labour action coalitions, becoming union organizers, or contributing in some other way to the labour movement.

Internships are open to young adults, 17 years of age or older. Preference for selection is given to children of members of the United Steelworkers.

Steelworker Summer is about uniting students, workers, and community activists to create social justice in workplaces and communities.

Where is Steelworker Summer held?

Because of Restrictions due to COVID19 we will be limiting the number of students we hire based on safe capacity in our regional offices. We will be working within the OHS and public health guidelines in each province.

What kinds of qualifications are needed to participate in Steelworker Summer?

Applicants should have a strong commitment to social and economic justice, as well as an openness to working with a broad cross section of people. This includes people of all equality-seeking groups, including, but not only, women, people with disabilities and people of colour 

Participants need to be people-oriented, enthusiastic, energetic and willing to work a challenging and flexible schedule. A college degree is not required. Previous union experience is not necessary. Volunteerism or activism is a plus.

What do Steelworker Summer interns do?

Steelworker Summer 2021 will take place in July and August. Participants will be assigned to various projects where they will work with USW members and staff to help workers in their fight for workplace or community justice.

Do Steelworker Summer interns get paid?

Steelworker Summer is not a job but an educational internship. Participants will receive a stipend of $650 per week to cover meals and other incidental expenses. Taxes will be deducted from the stipend.

Where does Steelworker Summer take place? Can an intern choose where they will go?

Placement is based on many factors including the experience level of the participant, the needs of a particular campaign and the availability of staff to work with interns.

You can apply using the below form or by using this PDF form and email it to

Deadline: Application must be received by June 20, 2021

Family Care Reimbursement Form

Get reimbursed for family care costs like babysitting incurred while attending authorized union events.

Members can claim caregiving fees for the following family who reside with them:

a) A child under 17 years of age;

b) A person with a disability;

c) An adult who is dependent and requires care.

Actual family care costs incurred will be reimbursed at a rate of up to $19.50 per hour for the length of the union meeting/event plus travel time. We will reimburse for a maximum of 12 hours per day. If overnight care is required, the maximum reimbursable amount is $270 per 24-hour period.

Should you have attended multiple union activities resulting in family care costs, please complete multiple Expense Claim Forms.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an “authorized” union event?

An authorized union event is an initiative put on by your local union or the United Steelworkers more broadly. Such events are signed-off on by your local union president or recording secretary.

Examples include: your local’s monthly membership meeting, a USW local, district, national or international conference you have been approved to attend, serving on your local’s bargaining committee or attending other committee meetings such as the Women of Steel Committee, etc.

Will you cover family care costs incurred for an authorized union event that takes place during my normal hours of work?

No, the Family & Community Education Fund will not cover family care costs that occur during your normal working hours, even if you are at an authorized union event and not at work. This is because you would have paid for family care regardless, so this is not an additional expense you have incurred.

Will I be directly reimbursed for my family care costs or does the Family & Community Education Fund send the money to my local union to pass on to me?

Members who submit eligible expenses to the Fund Co-ordinator will be directly reimbursed for their family care costs.

Can I be reimbursed if a family member provides care?

The Fund will only cover costs for care provided by an individual who does not already have caregiving responsibilities for the family member(s) receiving care. Generally speaking, the Fund will not cover costs for care provided by a spouse/partner, former spouse/partner with custody rights or a relative residing in the household. Contact the Fund Co-ordinator for more information.

I normally pay my caregiver less/more per hour than the FCEF-identified reimbursement rate. What should I do?

Pay your caregiver their typical rate, but note that the Fund will not reimburse more than $19.50/hour for family care. Should your family member have special needs and require care costing more than $19.50/hour, please get in touch with the Fund Co-ordinator to discuss this.

My local union already covers family care expenses as part of our expense policy. Should I still apply to the FCEF’s reimbursement program?

No, apply to your local union first.

How do I know if my local union contributes to the Fund and if I’m eligible to get this expense coverage?

Ask your local union executives or reach out to the Fund Co-ordinator to learn if your local union contributes. Joining the Fund is easy! Click here to learn more.

Forms for local union officers

Lobby Report Form (PDF)

Stewards in Action forms

Digital resources for local union officers

Benefit claim forms

Click the links below to open a PDF version that you can print and complete to claim dental, drug, supplementary health and vision care benefits.