Education is at the heart of the USW Family and Community Education Fund. Each project must contain some sort of educational component. To help, the USW Education Department has developed template activities that are easily adaptable to any project and can be tailored to different age groups.

Of course, local unions can also choose to create their own educational components. For more information or for help designing your own activity, please contact your district’s Education Coordinator or the Family and Community Education Fund Coordinator at

Children and Youth activities

Snakes and ladders game

Booklets & Manuals
Click to view Snakes and ladders game
illustration of a racialized young person with curly brown hair and wearing ab blue jumpsuit, a blue hat and a pink backpack. Behind the person there is a pink building, black truck and couple of trees. There is text on the top of the graphic that says: Zoey at work.

Zoey at work

Booklets & Manuals
Click to view Zoey at work
Illustration showing ants marching in a rally and holding signs saying Stronger Together. There is a text on the top saying: Little Ant and teh power of many.

The power of many storybook

Booklets & Manuals
Click to view The power of many storybook

Make your own story

Booklets & Manuals
Click to view Make your own story

All ages Activities

USW bingo

Booklets & Manuals • Misc. Resources
Click to view USW bingo

USW game show

Booklets & Manuals • Misc. Resources
Click to view USW game show

Speaker “sandwich”

Booklets & Manuals • Misc. Resources
Click to view Speaker “sandwich”

History timeline game

Booklets & Manuals
Click to view History timeline game