Reports can be sent via email – no additional paperwork required. Don’t forget to send us your receipts for all claimed expenses.

Use this checklist to keep track of the FCEF’s reporting requirements:

  • Copies of all expenses incurred (e.g., receipts, invoices, memos, etc.) in an itemized table
  • Name and mailing address for the reimbursement
  • Digital copies of a minimum of 5 pictures taken during the event
  • Brief project report (see below)

We’re proud of the FCEF-funded events you host and want to share your successes with other local unions! We can’t do this without photos, though.

Your project report should include:

  • Number of participants
  • Whether or not the project met its objectives, and how
  • Positive elements and/or obstacles encountered
  • Feedback from participants and/or organizers
  • How you could build on this project’s positive results

Applicants with outstanding reporting requirements may be unable to seek funds for future projects. Your final reporting helps the FCEF evaluate its reach, as well as member and community impact.

Send your final report to us by one of these methods


Fax: Attention FCEF

Mail: FCEF, c/o USW Canadian National Office
800-234 Eglinton Ave. E.
Toronto, ON M4P 1K7